APJ Abdul Kalam Biography:Quotes, Birthday, Full Name & thoughts


APJ Abdul Kalam Biography

APJ Abdul Kalam: Introduction

Apj Abdul kalam full name is Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam. He Was an Indian Aerospace scientist and Author. He became the 11th president of India and served the country from the year 2002-2007. He became president with the support of both the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and the then-opposition Indian National Congress. He is known as the people's president. He spent 40 years in ISRO and DRDO and made a huge contribution to the development of launch vehicle and missile technology. He is also known as the missile man of India. APJ Abdul Kalam played a key role in the development of India's nuclear bomb. His life is an inspiration for millions of youth in India. In this article, we will learn briefly about the biography of Apj Abdul Kalam.

APJ Abdul Kalam Biography: Overview


A. P. J. Abdul Kalam


15 October 1931

Rameswaram, Madras


27 July 2015 (aged 83)

Shillong, Meghalaya, India


Jainulabdeen Marakayar




St. Joseph's College, Tiruchirappalli (BEng),

Madras Institute of Technology (MEng)


Aerospace Scientist, Author





APJ Abdul Kalam: Early life, family & Education

APJ Abdul Kalam was born on 15 October 1931 in Rameswaram on Pamban Island, in Tamil Nadu. He was born into a Sunni Muslim family. His father, Jainulabdeen Marakayar, was a boat owner and imam at a local mosque, while his mother, Ashiamma, was a homemaker. His father ran a ferry service that took Hindu pilgrims from Rameswaram to Dhanushkilodi. He was the youngest of four brothers and one sister in his family.

Kalam's early education took place at the Schwartz Higher Secondary School in Ramanathapuram. He was a hardworking and bright student during his school days. He spent hours of time studying mathematics. Despite his family's financial problems, Kalam pursued his education with full determination.

In 1954, he graduated from St. Joseph's College, Tiruchirappalli, with a degree in physics. Subsequently, he moved to Madras (now Chennai) to study aerospace engineering at the Madras Institute of Technology. Kalam's fascination with aviation and aeronautics drove him to pursue a career in aerospace engineering.

APJ Abdul Kalam: As a scientist

Kalam joined the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in 1958, where he contributed to the development of India's first indigenous satellite launch vehicle. Later, at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), he played a crucial role in projects like the Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV) and the development of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV).

Kalam's leadership in India's missile program was exemplary. He played a pivotal role in the successful development of ballistic missile systems, including the Agni and Prithvi missiles. His contributions earned him the moniker "Missile Man of India."

APJ Abdul Kalam: As a President of India (2002-2007)

In 2002, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was elected as the 11th President of India. During his term from 2002 to 2007, he continued to focus on education, youth development, and social issues. His presidency was characterized by a commitment to inspiring and guiding the youth of the nation.

APJ Abdul Kalam: Death

On July 27, 2015, while delivering a lecture at the Indian Institute of Management Shillong, Kalam suffered a heart attack and passed away. His death was mourned by the nation, and his contributions to science and his vision for a prosperous India continue to inspire generations.

APJ Abdul Kalam: Awards and Honours

Throughout his life, Kalam received numerous awards and honors, including the Bharat Ratna in 1997, India's highest civilian award. He was also honored with the Padma Bhushan in 1981 and the Padma Vibhushan in 1990 for his contributions to science and technology.

APJ Abdul Kalam: Quotes

APJ Abdul Kalam was known for his inspirational and thought-provoking quotes. Here are some notable quotes attributed to him:

"Dream, dream, dream. Dreams transform into thoughts, and thoughts result in action."

"You have to dream before your dreams can come true."

"If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun."

"Don’t take rest after your first victory because if you fail in the second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck."

"All of us do not have equal talent. But, all of us have an equal opportunity to develop our talents."

"Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success."

"Excellence is a continuous process and not an accident."

"Climbing to the top demands strength, whether it is to the top of Mount Everest or to the top of your career."

"The bird is powered by its own life and by its motivation."

"Thinking is the capital, Enterprise is the way, Hard Work is the solution."

"For great men, religion is a way of making friends; small people make religion a fighting tool."

"We should not give up and we should not allow the problem to defeat us."

"To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal."

"The best brains of the nation may be found on the last benches of the classroom."

APJ Abdul Kalam: Books

APJ Abdul Kalam authored and co-authored several books, covering a range of topics from science and technology to education and inspiration. Here are some of the notable books written by or associated with Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam:

"Wings of Fire: An Autobiography" (1999): This autobiography traces Kalam's life journey, from his childhood in Rameswaram to his contributions to India's space and missile programs. It provides insights into his thoughts, dreams, and vision for the nation.

"Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power Within India" (2002): In this book, Kalam shares his ideas and thoughts on how to harness the potential of India's youth to transform the country into a developed nation.

"My Journey: Transforming Dreams into Actions" (2013): Co-authored with Arun Tiwari, this book offers a reflection on Kalam's life and experiences. It provides insights into his leadership style, his approach to challenges, and his dreams for the future.

"India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium" (1998): Co-authored with Y. S. Rajan, this book outlines a vision for India's development by the year 2020. It discusses various sectors, including education, technology, and infrastructure.

"You Are Born to Blossom: Take My Journey Beyond" (2011): Co-authored with Arun Tiwari, this book offers guidance and inspiration to young minds, encouraging them to pursue their dreams and overcome challenges.

"My Life: An Illustrated Biography" (2013): Co-authored with Arun Tiwari, this illustrated biography provides a visual journey through Kalam's life, complementing his autobiography "Wings of Fire."

"The Luminous Sparks" (2004): A collection of Kalam's speeches and interactions with students, where he imparts wisdom, motivation, and insights on various topics.

"Beyond 2020: A Vision for Tomorrow's India" (2004): Co-authored with Y. S. Rajan, this book further explores the vision for India's future, building on the ideas presented in "India 2020."


Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam's life, marked by his roles as a scientist, President, and inspirational figure, exemplifies the transformative power of dreams and hard work. His numerous books, including the autobiographical "Wings of Fire," reflect his wisdom and commitment to inspiring the youth. Even after his passing, Kalam's legacy as the "People's President" and a visionary leader lives on, inspiring generations to dream big, work hard, and contribute to the betterment of society.


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